singh ravi
Страна: Индия
Город: delhi
Регион: delhi
Учебное заведение: Не указано
Был(а) последний раз: 16.11.2023 11:49
Дата регистрации: 16.11.2023 11:48:25
День рождения: Не указано
Сетевой проект:
Established in 2009, Aspen Camp is reputed to be one of the most luxury camping in Rishikesh. We initiated the word glamping (glorious camping) in Rishikesh where adventure comes with all the possible luxuries. For us Adventure starts when you are outside your accommodation. We believe a comfortable stay is equally important as adventure. Hence, we have made our 17 tents and 12 cottages equipped with all comfortable and modern day amenities that would make your stay superbly comfortable while you are in the outdoors. We lay tremendous emphasis on safety and on environment code of conduct. Managed by a team of professionals with the backgrounds of armed forces, behavioural sciences and mountaineers, with a minimum of 06 years of experience, our outdoor teams of rafters, kayakers, naturalists, instructors are the most experienced and professional adventure team in India.
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