Страна: Россия

Город: Jacksonville

Регион: usa

Учебное заведение: Не указано

Был(а) последний раз: 31.05.2023 12:44

Дата регистрации: 31.05.2023 12:44:21

День рождения: Не указано

Сетевой проект: https://www.aegirdivingschool.com/padi-open-water-scuba-certification/...

The [ADVANCED OPEN WATER](https://www.aegirdivingschool.com) is designed to provide divers with the knowledge and skills to safely dive with enriched air, also known as nitrox. Here's an explanation of what the course entails: Introduction to Enriched Air Nitrox: The course begins with an overview of enriched air nitrox and its benefits for scuba diving. You'll learn about the increased oxygen content in nitrox and how it affects dive planning and safety. Dive Planning and Gas Analysis: You'll learn how to analyze the oxygen content in nitrox cylinders using an oxygen analyzer. This skill is essential for verifying the correct gas mix before each dive. You'll also learn how to plan dives using nitrox, considering factors such as maximum depth limits, oxygen exposure limits, and surface intervals.

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