Ирбина Гайдулина Дрсан

Страна: Киргизия

Город: Ош

Регион: Ош

Учебное заведение: The world of electronics

Был(а) последний раз: 25.11.2016 11:33

Дата регистрации: 23.11.2016 17:30:11

День рождения: 11 Февраля

Сетевой проект: Industrial electronics

A team of scientists from the National Institute of Informatics, Japan has set a rather ambitious goal – to create an artificial intelligence that could pass the entrance interview for admission to the University of Tokyo. The project was called "Todai" (the local name of the University), and started back 2011. We Write it all in past tense, because the scientists refused to continue to develop the theme and is not working on the artificial intelligence of the candidate student. The creators of the project hoped that their artificial intelligence will be able to score much more points than 511 of 950 points. This was the result of artificial intelligence last year on the standardized national test. Unfortunately, the overall result remains almost unchanged. The University of Tokyo is one of the best educational institutions in the country, requires the result to be much higher than that achieved from artificial intelligence. The researchers came to the conclusion that their development for the year 2016 was not smarter than last year and so didn`t pass tests at the expected level. What was the main problem In accordance with the thought Noriko Arai, artificial intelligence was not just good questions that require understanding the meaning more broadly. "And the robot still do not have critical thinking and ability to solve problems that we have. We, the people, and we uniqueness, so that robots are not taking our profession in the near future,“ says Arai. Maybe it`s for the best. Немного поэзии Вечер добрым теплом нас расслабит, уютом, В ноги ляжет ковром, пледом плечи окутав. Чай горячий, пирог, телевизор, компьютер – Пусть же добрым всегда каждый вечер ваш будет! Свет зажженных окошек в вас теплом отзовется, Древних предков инстинкт снова в каждом проснется: Вечер – значит тепло, значит – дом, значит – ужин, И конечно же, тот, кто вам дорог и нужен! Пусть приносит вам вечер доброты позитивы, Будьте вечером счастливы, будьте красивы! Пусть под веером звезд вам судьба улыбнется И красивая сказка в добрый вечер начнется!

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